There's no on/off switch with the dusk to dawn sensor. Perfect for any room in the house or when you travel. The one LED bulb will burn for 30,000 hours and uses very little electricity. UL certified. The acrylic top illuminates the imprint when on.
Material: Acrylic
Standard Decoration Includes: 1 Color, 1 Location
All Available Decoration Options:
Printed: 1.25" W x 1.25" H Centered on acrylic cover
Standard Packaging: White Box
Tags: accessory, daily, use, house, living, bedroom, cleaning, fun, functional, eye catching, apartment, real estate, realtor, home, home show, trade show, tradeshow, convention, house wares, household
There's no on/off switch with the dusk to dawn sensor. Perfect for any room in the house or when you travel. The one LED bulb will burn for 30,000 hours and uses very little electricity. UL certified. The acrylic top illuminates the imprint when on.
Material: Acrylic
Standard Decoration Includes: 1 Color, 1 Location
All Available Decoration Options:
Printed: 1.25" W x 1.25" H Centered on acrylic cover
Standard Packaging: White Box
Tags: accessory, daily, use, house, living, bedroom, cleaning, fun, functional, eye catching, apartment, real estate, realtor, home, home show, trade show, tradeshow, convention, house wares, household