Gadget Grips® Phone Mount-HandStands

Gadget Grips® Phone Mount

Product Code:


  • Black

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    • The invisible phone mount! The Gadget Grips MAGNET comes with a super strong neodymium magnet that allows you to mount your phone wherever.  3M adhesive allows you to mount the magnet anywhere, the steel plate then adheres to your phone, leaving no sticky residue behind if removed.  Gadget Grips technology keeps your phone from slipping and sliding when not used as a mount.  Features: Magnet is safe for phones & batteries, Compatible with all devices, Do not use with wireless chargers All Available Decoration Options: Full Color: 1.38" W x 1.38" H Front (include 1/8in. for bleed) Standard Packaging: Clamshell Tags: Cell Phone, Cell, Phone, Hands Free, Handsfree, Mount, Grip, Mobile, Protect, Accessory, Tech, Iphone, Android, Microsoft, Secure, Safe Operation, Trade Show, Raffle, Retail, Tradeshow

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