Marketmore '76 is a name that is synonymous with vigor and productivity. Marketmore '76 is possibly one of the most recognizable heirlooms, and rightfully so. Decades after its initial introduction, this delicious, refreshing cuke still boasts impressive disease and pest resistance. Fruit averages 8-9 inches long, perfect for slicing. Dark green with thick protective skin, a perfect choice for market gardening as the rugged little fruit stand up well to shipping but still have the high quality. 3.25" W x 4.5" H
Marketmore '76 is a name that is synonymous with vigor and productivity. Marketmore '76 is possibly one of the most recognizable heirlooms, and rightfully so. Decades after its initial introduction, this delicious, refreshing cuke still boasts impressive disease and pest resistance. Fruit averages 8-9 inches long, perfect for slicing. Dark green with thick protective skin, a perfect choice for market gardening as the rugged little fruit stand up well to shipping but still have the high quality. 3.25" W x 4.5" H